
This blog is to express my thoughts and experiences as I travel to Japan to be a live-in Aikido student (uchideshi) for Yasuo Kobayashi Shihan.  I'll be departing February 26th, 2018, and I plan to post semi-frequently from that time until I return around April 15th, 2018 (though I may post a little after that time, too).  The primary gearing of this blog is to share the experience with those I know and with those I love, though if you have found your way here and don't feel you are in one of those groups, you are also welcome to read on regardless.

It is likely important that readers understand the attitude I'm leaving to train in.  It is my intent to take this time of travel and training to be present in the moment and to learn about both Aikido and life; it is also my intent to be physically and somewhat mentally separate from my normal life and ministry so I can pray and reflect on them.  I fully recognize that most of my time in Japan will be taken up by the duties of being a live-in student and by training, and I am looking forward to being in the moment in both of those endeavors and to learning what I can every moment I'm awake; however, I also plan to use even some of that time (while cleaning or sitting on the train travelling between dojos, for instance) to be in prayer and to reflect about things back home.  I haven't had a sabbatical/prolonged ministry break since I started leading a local Christian ministry about nine years ago, and I believe that this time is very important for me to clear my mind so I can better hear God's voice as I pray and try to discern His direction in several larger decisions that I need to make back home.  As such, this will be a particularly intense trip--there will be new Aikido styles to learn, a busy lifestyle with little sleep and down time, a language barrier from time to time, new cultural things to be sensitive to, and an exciting, new environment to live in.  Overall, I'm quite excited for my upcoming Aiki-adventure, and I thank you for taking the time to share some parts of it with me!


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